My Top Five Romance Books I’ve Read Since Joining Bookstagram

I joined Bookstagram in December of 2019 and steadily maintained it ever since. Honestly, I may not be a creator with a large following, or a creator who takes her bookstagram “seriously” (isn’t it fun) but I have noticed that I spend a significant amount of time on bookstagram more than my “regular” Instagram. And I’m less likely to compare or decrease my mental health.

Since joining Bookstagram, I have read so many more books that I thought wasn’t interested in because they weren’t my “typical genre” (aka romance). But once I joined bookstagram, and started following other book accounts, I realized there are so many great books out there just waiting to be read.

These are my top five romance books that I’ve read since joining bookstagram. And maybe you’re considering starting a bookstagram. To that, I say do it! Just start. You don’t need to read 200 books to start one, or read a book a night to start (and grow) a bookstagram. Just start writing and talking about books on your bookstagram and you’ll see it grow organically.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, meaning I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase.

One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London

I think it’s safe to say that this is one of my top three books of all time … and honestly, it’s probably my favorite book of all time. Not only is the lead plus-size, which I’m just going to point out the obvious, but I also love that the main character, Bea, is an influencer/blogger. We don’t see many main characters in books be a blogger or influencer. But the thing that made this book one of my favorites (and my favorite book of all time) is that it really, really opened my eyes and helped me feel more comfortable in my own skin and worthy of love. Growing up, especially as someone who didn’t have a flat stomach or thigh gap, I never thought I was worthy of a boyfriend. (I was too young to understand that your worth doesn’t equal a partner.) I thought I wasn’t deserving of love. As I got older, I realized that was a silly conception that my mind liked to tease me with. And then I read this book, and it changed the game and I realized that I can be comfortable in my own skin and I am deserving of love, that other girls who look like me are in successful, happy relationships. So, that’s why I love this book and will always recommend it to anyone. That, and it’s Bachelorette-inspired.

The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory

This was my first novel by Jasmine Guillory, and it was such a great book to kickstart my love of her novels. I loved the characters and the plot behind it. On top of all that, the cover has a baseball on it and anyone who knows me knows I love baseball—also, the first scene started out at a baseball game. Love this book!

The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams

I’ve read books 1-3 in the series, and currently in the middle of book 4 as I write this post. My favorite is book 1, The Bromance Book Club, although book 4, Isn’t It Bromantic? might top that. I love this series so much because it combines hot dudes reading romance novels and talking about their feelings. (And it’s set in Nashville, one of the coolest cities ever.) Go pick this book (and series) up if you haven’t already!!

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord

This book was so CUTE (pun intended)! I read this at the start of the pandemic, and it was just the delightful pick-me-up that I needed. This book is truly a contemporary retelling of You’ve Got Mail, but with sweet desserts and Twitter. It’s a perfect enemies-to-lovers (much like Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks in the film), but throw in desserts, Twitter, and grilled cheese. Honestly, it’s such a delight and if you like this one, go pick up Emma Lord’s other books, You Have a Match and When You Get The Chance.

The Duke & I by Julia Quinn

I’ve read books 1-4 in the Bridgerton series, and I’m working my way through one of Julia Quinn’s other novels, Splendid, which is a similar regency romance. Out of the four books I’ve read in this series, the first one, The Duke & I, reigns supreme—with Romancing Mister Bridgerton (book 4) at a close second. I just love the duke and Daphne’s relationship timeline—starting out as enemies to friends to lovers.